Les temps ont volé!

Le mois dernier c’était super! Parce qu’il était le Culture Crawl, Noëmie, Romane et moi venons de voir l’art. J’ai aimé voir tous les artistes et votre travaille. Après, je viens d’aller au marché de Noël allemand avec Noëmie, Clayton et Romane. C’était très festif! Il y a les nourritures du Noël, beaucoup de lumières et chocolat chaud! Je ne suis pas comprendre c’est le dernier semaine. Les temps semblait très rapide! Demain, Noëmie et moi allons faire de skier en Whistler. Car il y a beaucoup de neige, je pense ce sera fantastique! Au revoir pour maintenant! – Lucy

Whistler week-end

Hey everyone!

This week was so fun. First on Monday we went to Lizzo’s concert it was really cool and it was a really cool show. At the and we went out of the concert it was snowing! First day with snow in Canada: ). On Wednesday it was having a ceremony for the remembrance day: there were all the students, all the teachers and some parents. On Thursday we went to Whistler it was really beautiful and snowy. During our trip we went to the museum it was pretty interesting. There was an exhibition on indigenous culture in addition to that there was an exhibition on skateboards. Then we went to the skating-ring: Lucy and Clayton try to teach us (Romane and I) how to skate. It was an average success… Then one day we went to a pizza restaurant: creek bread it was delicious. We went for a walk few times in the village. We also read a lot. It was an amazing journey!


Pendant la semaine passée, nous avons fait beaucoup de choses! Vendredi soir, Noëmie et moi avons sculpté les citrouilles. Ils c’étaient beaucoup angoissante. En samedi, j’ai fait une course de l’aviron ainsi, Noëmie et ma maman va aller regarder! Il pleure beaucoup alors ils avaient exploré Granville Island quand j’étais sous la tente. Comme il se l’halloween, nous sommes habillés à Adam Sandler avec mes amies. Pendant la fin de semaine, nous avons fait le “trick-or-treating.” Romane, Noëmie, Clayton et moi avons marché dans mon quartier et recevoir les bonbons. Après ça, nous sommes retournés chez moi et regarder un film de l’horreur.

NEWSWeek of Nov. 1 to Nov. 7


Monday, October 31

We started the week with Halloween ! On the program ; Jack O’ Lantern, costume, trick or treat, horror movie and a lot of candies ! We dressed up for evenement and went to school. For the night Clayton and me joined Lucy and Noëmie for trick or treat and after to have a lot of sweets, we went to Lucy’s house for watch a horror movie.

Thursday, Novembre 3rd

We went with Lucy, Lucy’s parents and Noemie to see a hockey game. It was the first for me ! It was awesome !! It’s like a concert with a shopping mall and in the middle there is the hockey game. The show was huge ! With Lucy and Noëmie, we passed on the giant screen above the Ice!

Finally the weekend ! But we don’t stop !

  1. Saturday 

Noëmie came around noon for go to the aquarium with Clayton, after we went in the Stanley Park. To end the day we are back at the hockey game !  Vancouver Canucks against Nashville Predators, I had the same feeling of wonder ! It’s just amazing !

  1. Sunday 

Lucy’s father, Lucy’s sister and Noëmie picked me Sunday morning to go at the bowling. We crossed the city for this, after we went to eat the famous plat ; the poutine and for the end we went at the skating rink, it was not a success for me  but it was fun !

First week in Vancouver !

Hey WPGA !

I’m Noëmie and I’m really happy to make part of this adventure! With Romane we arrived at YVR the 6th Thursday at 15h30. The next day we went to WPGA for the first time: it was “Lockdownday” so we finished class earlier. French school and Canadian are really different: Canadian’s one have shorter days (4 or 5 blocks for WPGA and 8 blocks for R.Vadepied), students can bring their lunch, a lot of differents classes/clubs/teams, etc. The Friday night we went to a hockey game, it was AMAZING!

On the week-end we have celebrate Thanksgiving with all the traditional food: turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, smashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, cheesecake…

The Monday we also celebrate Thanksgiving but this time with Romane, Clayton and his mother. We ate an another big meal!

Tuesday was our first day at school: it was really amazing to discover some new class: indigenous study, social study, anatomy and physiology. After school, the Wednesday we went to see a WPGA volleyball game. On Thursday it was the first time that I have doing a cross country training, we ran at the beach, it was really beautiful!

The first week of school was amazing!

Exploring Vancouver

During the last two weeks, we did a lot of activities. During the week we had our classes, to RVL and to WPGA. The weekend is like a break even though we both have so much homework.

So, the last weekend we did fly above Vancouver in a seaplane, it was wonderful! To see the downtown, pacific ocean, mountains, boats.. Beautiful! Also, we went at the apple festival and watched the play, Peter Pan goes wrong, it was a comic piece of theater. 

After, we had a weekend for four days, we went to walk on the beach, the background is just magic, beautiful with fresh air. This is perfect. We went in the beaty biodiversity museum in the very famous British Columbia University! It was very interesting to see all the diversity between America and Europe. Finally, we went to observe the birds with Clayton’s grandfather who is wildlife during sunday morning, when we came back, we stoped on the Emma Lea Farm, where the people come to take pumpkins and to spend the time with their family.Thank you for reading!

– Romane and Clayton

Les premiers jours de l’echange

Bonjour à tous! Je m’appelle Clayton et je suis très heureux d’avoir accueilli Romane! Le programme GATEWAY nous donne une expérience unique pour rencontrer des diffèrent cultures, personnes, et tradition. Par exemple, nous avons célébré l’Action de Grace, une fête qui n’existe pas en France. Nous avons démontré des traditions et pratiques qui étaient nouveaux pour Romane et Noëmie. Elles ont essayé pour la première fois la tarte a citrouille et de la sauce de canneberges. En tout, les experiences sont nouveux pour Romane et Noëmie, mais aussi pour moi et Lucy.

Ma famille ont amenée Romane a Whistler pendant le long weekend. On a pris la téléphérique pour arriver au sommet de la montagne Blackcomb. j’ai mis des photos en bas… On a aussi fait une promenade dans les montages avec mon chien et les amis de mon père Pendant une heure après cela, on a mangé le diner de thanksgiving. Lundi, nous sommes retournés à Vancouver pour passer du temps avec Lucy et Noemie. On a mangé le diner de thanksgiving (Oui, encore) ensemble.

Hi West Point Grey Academy

Hi West Point Grey Academy
How are you ?

We arrived one week ago !
The last week-end with Clayton and his family, we go to Whistler in British Columbia.
We walked in the montagne “Blackcomb” and we see a bear, amazing !
We celebrated Thanksgiving and eat a famous plat from this.
Tuesday, it was our first day in the WPGA school, it was very good for me, I met a lot of people and talked with them. I’m very happy to be with you and thank you for your welcoming !

Romy 😉

Noëmie et Romane sont arrivé!

Bonjour! Je m’appelle Lucy et je suis très heureuse et une peu nerveuse être dans la GATEWAY Langue Échanger Programme. Je pense l’internationale program c’est intéressement parce que je n’a habite pas l’extérieur du Canada. Je suis enthousiaste a apprendre la culture, la langue Francisés et accueillir Noëmie à Canada.

Dans la semaine passée, ma famille est moi sont prépare pour leur arrivée. À l’aeroport, Clayton et moi avons une grande pancarte jaune ce dit <<Bienvenue Noëmie et Romane!>> À l’école la prochain passe, nous avons visité WPGA et rencontre enseignants. Ápres l’ecole, Noëmie et moi va à Rogers Arena et nous avons regardé le match du hockey. La Canucks gagner le match! Il c’était vraiment amusant! Aussi, nous avons décoré les petit gâteau du dinde.

What’s GATEWAY Language Exchange Program?

Gateway is a program aimed at connecting French and Canadian students, offering them the opportunity to authentically live the life of a student in their host school and alongside their host family for 2 months. French students will be in Vancouver, Canada from October 6 to December 7, 2022 while Canadian students will be in Evron, France in February and March 2023. For this unique program, West Point Grey Academy and Lycée Raoul Vadepied got together in 2019 to launch the first ever edition… until Covid happened and forced the program to pause. After 2 years, we are thrilled to launch it again!

2019-2020 Cohort (check out their blog)!

You will shortly be able to follow the adventure of the 2022-2023 cohort by checking this blog where Clayton, Lucy, Noëmie, and Romane will be posting weekly, alternating in French and in English!

Happy reading, everyone!

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